The link above is the Red Bull Banned Advert.
The reason why it was banned because it is acting out the Nativity Play and is changing it. They added another Wise Man to the three and brought Gold, Frakensense, Murr and Red Bull. This is offensive because it is taking the mick towards Christians, because that is what they believe in.
The link above is the L'oreal advert that caused controversy.
The reason why it caused controversy is because Cheryl Cole used hair extensions in the advert. All veiwers knew this and thought that it was false advertisement as she was wearing hair extensions and they were trying to sell shampoo which will make your hair stronger and healthier. This advert was not banned but adjusted by having written in the advert "Styled with some natural hair extensions",
The link above is the banned Ikea Tidy Up Advert.
The advert is into 3 parts. The reason why it was banned is the first part the woman is stabbed in the back by a fork. This could cause controversy as people may disagree with the fact that a person being stabbed by a fork on TV is inappropriate. The last part of the advert causes the most controversy as the little kid is playing with a sex toy. This is a sensitive area as it involves children and sex toys.
A good start, but lacks analysis - you must try to move away from merely describing the ad to exploring why it was banned, using ideology, representation and target audience as a basis for your response. I need to see media concepts and terminology discussed in your answers.