The trailer “Kicks” starts up as a close up shot. This is of the main girl. We know this because throughout the trailer it is mainly focused on her. She is lying down stroking a picture of a famous footballer. The camera is at a straight on angle. The camera starts from above her and then tracks around to show her face. All that is in the beginning is her face, and the picture of the footballer. The trailer uses very affective sound. All that is heard when the trailer is opening is the girl singing. “Liverpool we love you”. This then slowly fades into music. As it starts to play music, the camera is just placed at a long shot from the girl and she is walking towards this. As it is a trailer all the scenes are every quick. After they have a long shot of the girl walking towards the camera they have a close up of her looking through the cracks in a wall. All that is seen in this shot is the wall and the crack that she is looking through. This is then linked into the next shot as all we can see in the next shot is Lee Cassidy with black shadow around him. This shows him as if we were looking at him through the cracks of the wall the way the girl was. During this and the next shots there is the same music playing throughout and then noises from the film which are relevant. These are things such as whistles blowing, cars crashing and his name being shouted. Through the shots they are linked with flashed writing explaining to us what she is doing in the scene either before or after and why. In the first couple of shots it shows just him. After this shot they then show us “Love”. By this being done we know that this is her love. Thereafter it shows “obsession”. The scene after this then shows her breaking into a car. This was a medium shot. You could see the car her and smashing it. There is then a close up of her feet and the glass falling to the ground. Also showing her obsession the next shot is a close up of her eye, which is teary and then her tattooing herself. This is a heart with Lee in the middle of it. This is a close up of the needle going into her skin. After this shot it then says “fate”. Once this shot of the word “fate” is up, the music changes into almost happier music. In these shots it shows how her fate changes and she meets someone who will get her closer to Lee Cassidy. Some of the shots that are used are close up ones of their faces and some long shots. One of the long shots used is from behind them. They are standing at the top of a hill where all is seen are the silhouettes and the sun setting. This connotes that the day is getting darker as well as the film. This is because generally if the day is dark, rainy and gloomy we know that something bad is more likely to happen rather than in broad daylight, sunshine. After this it carries on by the footballer and the girl meeting and still smiling. One of the shots used is a close up of Lee Cassidy rubbing the girls arm and her smiling. After this we know that the film is going to turn bad as the music changes back to dramatic and Nicole saying: “No, you can’t leave”. There is then a close up shot of Lee Cassidy with tears falling down his face and Nicole’s hand on him. The next shots are all gloom showing the obsession turning dangerous. One of the last shots used is a long shot of Nicole. In this shot you can see her holding a gun and Lee Cassidy tied to a chair. The music is still playing until Nicole shouts “STOP” and then the gun shots. During the trailer the word shots used were the same font as the title of the film “KICKS”. After the gun shots “Kicks” then appears. The ending then is the same as the beginning. A close up of Nicole’s hand dropping the gun. The sound that is used is the gun dropping and then the girl singing again; “Liverpool we love you”. The film is a trailer aimed at people above the age of 18.